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     Love TMFTL uses Spoken words, Concious Art and Music to bring attention to important matters, such as social injustice, human and animal rights violations, and the global environmental crisis of plastic we are all collectively experiencing as a human race, to awaken human conciousness in general. Convicted about human rights, social justice, and environmental issues, he firmly believes that if we do not take action to find sustainable long-term solutions, we will no longer have a planet to create or advocate for.  Drawing from all his talents, including his past experiences in the music industry and in the Art World, managing and producing other reknown Artists for many years. Now, as he was always told by his fellow artists ," but.. its u! you are the true artist brother!..  Love TMFTL awaken, making visual Art & Dub Poetry Music to tell a story, a story that needs to be told about an ever-ubiquitous toxic chemical that is destroying our planet plastic. A biohazardous disaster, yet, unfortunately, plastic is here to stay. His vision is to bring solutions to the problems not just talk about them, for example to transform this plastic into recyclable use by developing a renewed purpose.

 Love TMFTL addresses importante social issues, he says that if we dont talk about those important issues, how are we going to resoves those problems? social imbalances and hierarchies, systemic racism, coerced political agendas, and the overall apathy of humans to make a change. Love TMFTL believes we are getting numb as society because we are in a box, a system that tells us what to say, how to think, and how not to mobilize. TMFTL voices his activism through his songs: "Music is universal and the most powerfull energy that can be the catalist to send a clear message and that can unify humanity to resolve the biggest problems we are facing...

  The words of the songs, and artworks echoe and reflect a global protest. Including recently 3d Art creations, he express the story visually using plant based plastic and recycled materials, he seeks to leave a clear message for all of us to make a subsainable planet and the world a better place for the next generations.

Upcoming songs:                        

1. Planet Plastic tic tic tic

2. Intuition

3. Co2

4. The Human Race

5. BoxMan.

6. Where are the Aliens ?

7. The American Dream

8. The Sea Shepard

9. The Bitten Apple

10. Earth Protectors (Greta the Great)

11. Look Who’s Vegan!

12. Fashion Fur

13. Perpetual Motion

14. The Human Zoo (Ota Benga story)

15. oh Mary-jane!

16. The Haitian Hurricane

17. The Big RE

18. The impossible Possible

19. H2o: Water

20. Life is a Boomerang


22. Solitude (Disconnet to Reconnect)

23. is the Grass greener on the other Side?

24. The moon song

25. We don't belong in Babylon!

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